Repatriation of Human Remains For Burial in Zimbabwe

The following are required for the repatriation of the remains of the deceased:
1. Deceased's Zimbabwean Passport
2. Death Certificate
3. Infectious / None Infectious Disease Certificate
4. Embalming Certificate
5. Removal Certificate / Order (Permit to repatriate remains from the country where the death occurred)
6. Affidavit by the Funeral Directors
7. Repatriation fee US $10
In cases where the deceased does not have a Zimbabwean passport, the undertakers should approach the Embassy with the following additional documents:
a) Zimbabwean national identity card and/or Zimbabwean birth certificate of the late
b) An affidavit written by the next of kin stating that the person is indeed a Zimbabwean national and stating the nature of the relationship
c) With these documents, The Embassy will seek the necessary clearances from Harare before repatriation could take place.